From time to time, Azada Rahi, the Lab’s Resident Librarian prepares a bibliography of resources on various topics. This one is on Art and Migration. Let us know if you find this resource list useful, and/or you would like to suggest a topic.
This resource is also available in PDF format.
Dieterich-Hartwell, R., & Koch, S. C. (2017). Creative arts therapies as temporary home for refugees: Insights from literature and practice. Behavioral Sciences; Behav Sci (Basel), 7(4), 69. 10.3390/bs7040069
Feen-Calligan, H., Grasser, L. R., Nasser, S., Sniderman, D., & Javanbakht, A. (2023). Photovoice techniques and art therapy approaches with refugee and immigrant adolescents. The Arts in Psychotherapy; Arts Psychother, 83, 102005. 10.1016/j.aip.2023.102005
Li, W. W. (2012). Art in health and identity: Visual narratives of older Chinese immigrants to New Zealand. Arts & Health, 4(2), 109-123. 10.1080/17533015.2011.584886
Linesch, D., Aceves, H. C., Quezada, P., Trochez, M., & Zuniga, E. (2012). An Art Therapy Exploration of Immigration With Latino Families. Art Therapy, 29(3), 120-126. 10.1080/07421656.2012.701603
Linesch, D., Ojeda, A., Fuster, M. E., Moreno, S., & Solis, G. (2014). Art Therapy and Experiences of Acculturation and Immigration. Art Therapy, 31(3), 126-132. 10.1080/07421656.2014.935586
Martyn, J., & Skaife, S. (2022). Art psychotherapy groups in the hostile environment of neoliberalism : collusion or resistance?. Routledge.
Miyamoto, B., & Ruiz, M. (2021). Art and migration : revisioning the borders of community. Manchester University Press.
Mosse, R., & Muirhead, L. (2020). The art of hosting participatory practices in social labs: Moving beyond participation to deep engagement a case study of the economic immigration lab in New Brunswick, Canada. Formakademisk, 13(4), 1-13. 10.7577/formakademisk.3383
Renda, T., & Haj, A. E. (2009). Imagining Postnationalism: Arts, Citizenship Education, and Arab American Youth. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 40(1), 1-19. 10.1111/j.1548-1492.2009.01025.x
Schramm, M., Moslund, S. P., Petersen, A. R., Gebauer, M., Post, H. C., Vitting-Seerup, S., & Wiegand, F. (2019). Reframing Migration, Diversity and the Arts: The Postmigrant Condition (1st ed.). Routledge. 10.4324/9780429506222
Usiskin, M., & Lloyd, B. (2020). Lifeline, frontline, online: adapting art therapy for social engagement across borders. International Journal of Art Therapy, 25(4), 183-191. 10.1080/17454832.2020.1845219