The Laboratory for Artistic Intelligence brings diverse artists and artistic methods into parts of society where more imagination is needed.
We specialize in reimagining how things work in the world using artistic intelligence.
We emphasize artistic methods: The world’s intangible wisdoms are collected and passed on through artistic and cultural practice. As technocratic values continue to shape and drive contemporary life at exponential rates, we are mindful of what art knows.
Our work includes new immigrants and refugees in engineering, financial, education, scientific, and other non-artistic professions. Working in collaboration with multi-sectoral professionals, the Lab’s artists work to generate new or alternative ways of approaching and understanding public and social joys and challenges.
We work from pluralist bodies of knowledge, embodied, translated, transformed and transmitted by people with diverse lived experiences. We disrupt, transform, appreciate and critique, with the overarching intention to (re)balance, (counter)point and (re)invent. As inter- and trans-disciplinary artists, we are informed by the values, wisdoms, and preoccupations of improvisation, performance, community arts, decolonizing/precolonial praxis, non-Western cultural practice and avant-garde arts.
The Lab has worked with many groups such as the Saagajiwe Centre for Indigenous Research Creation, Dancemakers, Atlantic Filmmakers Coop, University of Arizona, UC Santa Cruz, Social Impact Storytelling Summit, Ukai Projects, Luminato Festival for Arts & Creativity, Centre for Social Innovation, TO Live, University of Toronto Scarborough, and others.
The Lab was officially formed in 2019, based on an earlier format created in 2016 as a relational art project funded by the Canada Council for the Arts.
© 2024 Laboratory for Artistic Intelligence. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy. Code of Conduct.