May-June 2022Astronomy Practice

Call for artists to participate in Astronomy Practice

Tuesdays May 24 to June 28 at 10am Arizona / 1pm Eastern

Since 2020, with the support of Dr. Gurtina Besla, the Laboratory for Artistic Intelligence has been curating artists to share their creative practice(s) with astronomers and physicists at the University of Arizona. Each 6-week program was led by different artists sharing their individual creative practices with graduate students in astronomy and physics.

Now, Dr. Besla and the Lab invite astronomers and physicists to share their astronomy practice with artists. Join us for 1 hour each week for 6 weeks to be led by young astronomers and physicists sharing their individual astronomy practice.

Each scientist will share a question, action, problem-solving or sensemaking practice they hold or perform in their work, and help illuminate the mysteries, complexities, significance, necessities, and beauty of their work.

This practice-sharing between artists and scientists is expected to continue as we move toward an extended and possible in-person research residency in Arizona for 2023.

Participation is free, but registration is required. Please register by May 10.

You need not be available for all 6 weeks. We highly recommend reviewing the 1-2 resources by Indigenous scientists that will be sent ahead of time on decolonizing science.

Call for astronomers and physicists to share practice

Since 2020, with the support of Dr. Gurtina Besla, the Laboratory for Artistic Intelligence has been curating artists to share their creative practice(s) with astronomers and physicists at the University of Arizona. Now, Dr. Besla and the Lab invite astronomers and physicists to share their astronomy practice with artists. What is your astronomy practice? What is a question, action, problem-solving or sensemaking practice you hold or perform in your work? Why is it interesting / important / necessary / baffling / irritating / awkward / complex / beautiful?

What you share from your astronomy practice is up to you. Think of this like a ‘studio visit’ – we’re visiting you in your work to get a glimpse of what you’re engaged in.

We only ask that you choose something from your astronomy practice, and to incorporate the following framework within the session you host:

1/ Check-in – going around the room helps everyone arrive and relax, and gives you more information to work with as you share your offer.

2/ Consider if there’s a way to invite participants to investigate, assist, replicate, or participate in what you’ve chosen to share. This may not be possible in your case, which is totally fine; we just ask that you consider if there is something that can be done, and if it would be interesting to you. It is OK to simplify; the idea is to get to the inner form of what you are doing, or the core of what you are searching for. Questions that may or may not help: What is your astronomy? Who are you as an astronomer? How might you find a way for others to understand how you think and see the world as an astronomer?

3/ Invite reflection on the astronomy practice you’ve shared – going ‘round the room again with a gentle question to help people give themselves permission to speak to their individual way of relating to what you’ve shared. You will find that different people listen and interpret differently.

Remember that this is a new endeavour without precedence. It is natural that we will be figuring things out as we go. Trust that the artists will be deeply appreciative. It’s a real rarity to get to slow down and exchange practice like this with scientists. Let’s enjoy it together.

The quality of your attention, curiosity, and devotion to discovery will feel resonant with them, as artists and scientists alike are engaged in obscure and revelatory practices.

You do not need to, but you may request a chat with Helen to help you think through any of the above, and/or your session plans in general. Email:

Many thanks for sharing your practice. We are so excited, and already moved by the thought of what may come.

With love and warmth.