A ‘Cinq à Sept’ presentation on Reimagining Institutions

Hosted by Dancemakers and the Laboratory for Artistic Intelligence, the Cinq à Sept reception features an overview of the past 18 months of artistic research that has been commissioned to inform the…

What Art Has To Offer Immigration

Media Release The Laboratory for Artistic Intelligence premieres a special 30-minute program on ‘What Art Has To Offer Immigration’ during Luminato Festival Toronto 2020 on Saturday June 13 at 1pm…

Gone Virtual: Taking Our Creation Practice Online

Newsletter On Monday, March 9, we entered the Meridian Arts Centre to begin the first day of a 3-week creation residency supported by TO Live. On Friday, March 13, we received an email at 6:55 PM…

Art & Immigration

The Laboratory for Artistic Intelligence explores what Art has to offer Immigration, and other matters of public policy As climate breakdown progresses over the next decade, a major intersecting…